It's a LongStory...
LongStory is the award-winning LGBTQ+ dating sim launched in 2014 by Bloom Digital Media to critical and audience acclaim. In LongStory you can be and date who you choose. Play as the gender of your choice and date the cutie you like best! LongStory is fiction, but it’s based on real stories - things that have happened, if not to us, to people we know and love. We hope it is funny, sad, perplexing and wonderful… Just like life.
“Okay, so here it goes... This has been one of the only games I've ever played that has made me cry (even though I DON'T want to admit it). I don't know what it is about this game, but it spoke to me. You feel like the other characters are real, and you connect to them!”
“longstory is literally THE BEST game ever. the amount of representation paired with the fantastic storyline + characters makes this such a great game. i'm in love.”

“This game has entertained me so much and I love the story. It's a very different game than majority, better than Episodes or the Kim K game or whatever else there is out there now. Also the menu song is the best thing ever.”
Episode 1: Locker 1224

Episode 2: Hanna's Notebook

Episode 3: The Party

Episode 4: Drama

Episode 5: Make Up

Episode 6: History

Episode 7: Onward and Awkward

Episode 8: In Dubai


Winner of the 12th International Mobile Gaming Awards 2016 Jury’s Honorable Mention
- Summary:
- LongStory One-Sheet 2017
- Quick Facts:
- LongStory Facts 2017
“As I played, my hands were shaking. This was real. This was my story. I never expected to have this kind of visceral experience playing an app game, but it felt strangely cathartic all the same" -FemHype
"By providing an unquestioned safe space for players to experience different kinds of relationship options through the privacy of their cell phone, this game maker has done something profound, making queer lives and relationships into familiar and also more acceptable, achievable and possible options for gamers, whether straight or queer. What's more, "LongStory"'s inclusion of gender neutral play is even more groundbreaking." - Aron Macarow, ATTN
Product Details:
- Original Published date:
- March 2014
- Platforms:
- Nintendo Switch (Dec. 2018)
- Itch (March 2018)
- Steam (2017)
- IOS (2014)
- Android (2014)
- Total Mobile Downloads:
- IOS - 854,000
- Android - 604,575
- Average Store Rating:
- 4 stars
- Regular Prices
- Premium(Steam, Itch, Switch) - $14.99(USD)
- Mobile (per episode) - $1.99(USD)
The LongStory Team:
- Executive Producer
- Miriam Verburg
- Game engine developers:
- Alex Bethke, Paige Ashlynn, Andrew Carvalho
- Editor:
- Heather Jackson
- Writers:
- Micheal Lyons, Jill Murray, Heather Jackson, Suzanne Andrew, Renee Vrantsidis
- Artists:
- Sara Gross, Yi Pan, Noreen Rana, Leisha Marie-Riddel
- Technical Artist:
- David Krutsko
- Project and Marketing Manager:
- Chris Fitzgerald - marketing (at)
- Original Soundtrack
- Maggie McLean
- Available for $3.00 from
- A Little’s Enough
- Tamara Weber-Filion
- Available on iTunes
Shopping links

LongStory is supported by:

Bloom Digital Media
Lose yourself in great games. Find yourself in stories that matter.
An independent game company based in Toronto and Peterborough, Ontario. We create narrative-driven games featuring authentic characters in the midst of pivotal moments and life-changing stories.